Air Pollution Endangers Lives of Six in 10 Americans

One of the biggest culprits behind air pollution is – you guessed it – dirty coal plants (that would be all of them.) Global warming, acid rain, massive amounts of…

A Message from the Heart of the Amazon

This morning Andrea, Atossa and I climbed out of bed as the sun was rising on the first day of the World Social Forum to go lay out an image…

How much old growth forest remains in the US?

Good question! USGS reports that “Before European settlement, forests covered nearly one billion acres of what is now the United States.” Data tables from the UN Forest Resource Asessment 2005…

Spreading the word about Online Activism

What an inspirational week! The Rainforest Agribusiness campaigners, interns, and legions of supporters across the world have taken major steps to bring about the end of palm oil expansion into…

Our New Grassroots Video!

Our friends Ryanne and Jay, over at Ryan is Hungry recently made an amazing video to help get folks excited about RAN. Giving a presentation to a group of students?…

Our New Grassroots Video!

Our friends Ryanne and Jay, over at Ryan is Hungry recently made an amazing video to help get folks excited about RAN. Giving a presentation to a group of students?…

Our New Grassroots Video!

Our friends Ryanne and Jay, over at Ryan is Hungry recently made an amazing video to help get folks excited about RAN. Giving a presentation to a group of students?…

The Scale of Greenwashing

I think the first time I ever heard the word ‘greenwashing’ was in the late ’80s or maybe early ’90s after I saw a flier from McDonald’s about how they…